What was is that drove our search for «miracles»?
An attempt to find a multiplication of our current capabilities.
Stanislaw Lem
The phenomenon of spontaneous remissions.
Reserves for psychoregulation of the body.
Bodily competence. Synaesthesia.
The psychophysiology of extreme situations.
Hidden resources of the body.
Arbitrary activation of the body's hidden resources.
Physical, psychological and intellectual longevity.
Creative potential and talents - artistic, scientific, leadership, communicational, spiritual...
Giftedness, vocation.
Savant syndrome.
The phenomenon of genius and “the strategies of geniuses.”
The source and morphogenesis of the new.
Imagination as a "bridge to the invisible possible."
Wish fulfilment.
Figurative and symbolic thinking.
Designing desired realities.
Cases of realisation of the “impossible.”
“Vital energy” and strength, “flow” and resource states. Joy and Happiness.
Non-locality of connections.
Empathy. Altruism, mercy, compassion, overcoming ordinary motives for survival.
Cultures and communities demonstrating “unusual” possibilities of interaction between man and nature.
Individuals with a developed “field element.”
Biological synchronisation. "Hive mind".
Morphic resonance. Interspecies interaction.
Therapeutic and enriching communication with dolphins and whales, other large mammals, as well as plants, water, etc.
Opportunities for joint doing.
Curiosities. The unexplainable that nevertheless occurs.
The “out of the ordinary.” That, which it is not clear “which shelf to put it on.”
Codes of non-computability.
Synchronicity. "Random coincidences," “short circuits” - events with an extremely low probability and a non-evident cause-and-effect relationship.
The precision of choices and meaningful results of actions without external "bastle."
Psychophysiology in places that are subjectively perceived as resourceful, "charging" ("places of power").
Correlation of a person's well-being with a specific location.
Unique destinies. "Lives of Remarkable People."
Conscious non-conformism - “the ability to remain in the minority.”
Individual existential trajectories "regardless of socialisation, unification and conditionality".
The ability to "get out of the maze." Internal compass, "through" system of reference points.
Humour as probabilistic forecasting.
The Game as a construction of realities.
Tricksters and holy fools.
Crossing a "black cat’s path" (superstitions and prohibitions) - entrance into a different space.
Internal drivers of behaviour, superseding instinctual behaviour - verbs without an imperative form.
The phenomenon of interest and curiosity.
Expeditions into the unknown - the choice of off-road and uncertainty instead of predictability and safety.
Premonitions. "Clarity". Intuitive insights.
Gaps in ideological and behavioural constructions. Lacunas and mysteries. Breaking stereotypes.
Ending automatisms. Exiting the familiar suggestion. "Shamanic Stopping of the World". "Glitches in the Matrix»
Direct, immediate knowledge - subjective confidence in the choice of solution.
Peak and mystical experiences, sudden revelations and discoveries.
The ability “to see the invisible”.
Trust and faith. Possunt quia posse videntur.
"Above the mind" - metanoia.